3 Advertising Trends to Prepare for in 2016

treeAre you looking to broaden your reach and increase the success of your campaigns through new advertising strategies in 2016? Since the world of marketing and advertising presents an ever-changing landscape, it’s important to stay ahead of new trends so that your campaigns grab your target audience when they are most engaged.

Here are three of the latest advertising trends to consider in your strategies for 2016:

Latin America’s Continued Advertising Boom

southMost would assume that America, Europe or Asia would be a stronghold for increased activity in digital marketing. However, Latin America has taken over the highest percentage of the market reach.

In 2013, advertising spend in Latin America grew faster than in any other region, according to Nielsen’s Global AdView Plus. In the past year, Latin America’s digital advertising reach grew by 97 percent and it’s continued to rise in 2016.

Consumers’ continued activity on the Internet is a direct link to the increased boom for advertising. More advertisements are being consumed in Latin America, which means there is a greater chance of directly reaching your target audience.

Personalized Campaigns

checkWhen it comes to keeping the attention of your potential clients, it’s important to stay relevant. Content is a huge tool for this and personalization is key to maintaining engaging content.

There have been many innovations to technology for enabling this personalization, from first name auto population to segmented testing. Personalization, through every aspect of advertising and marketing, can help to increase long-term customer engagement with your brand or company. You will be creating customers who are not only loyal, but also deeply engaged. This is important for generating leads and potentially turning those leads into customers.

All-Time Rise of Digital Content’s Popularityposting

We live in an on-demand society where consumers want what they want, when they want it. With over three billion Internet users in the world, it’s no wonder that digital content is gaining in popularity. After all, mobile content now makes up 1/5 of global traffic. Desktop traffic, however, has been steadily declining in recent years.

With the growing popularity of on-demand digital content, businesses are beginning to see how significant of a revenue generator digital advertising can be.

What’s Next?

With these predicted trends in 2016, it’s important to develop a strong media placement strategy. Multimedia is experienced in executing personal and compelling campaigns that incorporate digital content so that your advertisements in Latin America are finely targeted and captivating.

To learn more about how Multimedia, Inc. can help you incorporate these trends, contact us today.








